Feeding difficulties in children can manifest in various ways. Some may struggle with food aversions, refusing to eat certain textures or flavors. Others may face oral motor challenges, making it difficult for them to chew and swallow safely. Sensory issues can also impact a child’s eating habits, as they may be sensitive to certain smells, tastes, or textures.

Although feeding therapy may seem like it’s just teaching a child to eat, it’s actually more complex. Performed by a trained professional, feeding therapy addresses a child’s specific feeding challenges through a personalized strategy. Outlined below are some of the many benefits for children with feeding difficulties:

Individualized Approach: We recognize every child’s needs and challenges are unique. That’s why we perform comprehensive evaluations and craft personalized strategies to target specific issues and tailor interventions to suit the child’s requirements.

Skill Development: Feeding therapy focuses on enhancing oral motor skills, such as chewing, swallowing, and tongue movements, to promote safe and efficient eating. Our therapists use techniques like food shaping and gradual exposure to expand their food repertoire and increase acceptance of different textures and flavors.

Sensory Integration: For children with sensory sensitivities, feeding therapy can help desensitize them to certain stimuli. To accomplish this, we introduce various foods in a controlled environment, gradually exposing the child to new tastes, smells, and textures. Over time, this process helps children become more comfortable and willing to try a wider range of foods.

Family Involvement: At Speak Easy, we encourage family involvement during our therapy sessions! We recognize the vital role of parents and caregivers in a child’s therapy journey. By involving the family, therapy extends beyond the clinical setting and becomes an integral part of the child’s daily routine.

Feeding therapy is a valuable resource for children who face challenges related to eating. By addressing individual needs, practice, and creating positive associations with food, this intervention empowers children to overcome feeding difficulties and enjoy a healthy relationship with food. Learn more about Speak Easy’s feeding therapy services here.